Hi Its me Cam!
Born and raised on the southside of Houston Texas. Cam gave his life to Jesus during the summer of 2019. He then attended Prairie View A&M University in 2020 and got involved in a campus ministry called Chi Alpha. Cam began leading other students to Jesus, and he is now raising monthly support to become a missionary intern at Prairie View Chi Alpha.
Many students come to Prairie View with hardened hearts which causes them to struggle with depression, addiction, and suicidal thoughts/attempts. Jesus has a plan to soften their hearts by showing how real He is and how much he loves them.

However, there are not enough people on campus who are helping students experience Jesus for themselves, which is why God has put a real responsibility on Cameron’s heart to reach the lost at Prairie View A&M University.
The team envisions that through Prairie View A&M Chi Alpha, there will be a full-time ministry team at every major HBCU in America, each dedicated to making committed disciples that make committed disciples, transforming the black community, the marketplace, and the world. This all begins with a genuine Christian community where students can see models and be encouraged to have a real devotional life, a real commitment to walk with God and a real heart to see the same for others.